Chris Christie Showing Affinity for Muslim Extremists

Back in May of this year, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was thought to be one of the top five choices to be Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate. At that time, I wrote about Christie’s pro-Muslim stance and his support for Muslim extremists.

Case in point was in 2008, when then US Attorney for New Jersey Chris Christie offered to be a character witness at the deportation hearing of Mohammed Qatanani. Qatanani was an imam at the Islamic Center of Passaic County who favored funding Hamas. On one occasion, Christie embraced and kissed Qatanani.

In 2010, Governor Christie approved of the firing of a New Jersey Transit worker who, on his own time attended a 9/11 memorial ceremony. At the ceremony, Derek Fenton burned several pages of the Koran in protest of the Muslim involvement in the terrorist attack. The ACLU came to Fenton’s rescue and helped him get his job back because Christie and the state violated Fenton’s First Amendment rights of free speech.

Now it seems that his penchant for Muslim extremists or Islamists has taken another step. In May, New Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa ruled that the New York City Police intelligence operation conducted in New Jersey on Muslims was perfectly legal. In response to the NYPD intelligence operation, Christie formed a Muslim outreach committee to help with state relations with the growing Muslim community. Incidentally, I can’t find any information anywhere to indicate that he has a Christian or Jewish outreach committee, just one for the Muslims.

via Chris Christie Showing Affinity for Muslim Extremists.

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